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You need



Enough ego to know that you can change the world




enough humility to know that you cannot do it by yourself



enough courage to act 

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Motivational speaker, social entrepreneur, international development consultant, writer and founder of Pixza

Alejandro holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Babson College in Boston, considered the # 1 in the world for Entrepreneurship, and a Masters in Public Administration and Development Practice from Columbia University in New York. He also studied at the London School of Economics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong,  and  Semester at Sea in Southeast Asia.





In 2015, Alejandro founded Pixza: a social empowerment platform disguised as a pizzeria that offers the world´s first and only pizza made of blue corn with 100% Mexican ingredients. Pixza is focused on achieving the socio-economically productive reintegration of previously homeless young adults through formal employment at the pizzeria and a multidimensional empowerment program designed to help them achieve three more objectives: 1) independent housing 2) coaching to establish a personal and  professional life plan 3) ongoing practical and professional training.



Before founding Pixza, Alejandro launched Rwanda´s first joint language and management training institute for government officials and business executives (ILMI), innovated a business model to improve the quality of life of peanut farmers in Uganda, constructedt a national baseline measurement of multidimensional wellbeing for the Bhutanese youth, and led the implementation of a pilot project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank that sought the use of sports as a social development pathway in three favelas in Brazil, among several other adventures. Alejandro is considered one of the five "coolest social entrepreneurs in Mexico" by Red Bull.



Alejandro has backpacked to over 80 countries and in 2014, published his first book “Letters to Momo: A Remarkable Story About the Power to Overcome” also translated into spanish. 



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Alejandro Souza





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